Optimize Podio to work even smarter. CatiLogic Express allows you to create custom information for team members, business partners, clients, and social media. Logically and easily organize, share and re-share content with a touch of a button. Podio is great for storing and organizing information. Now use CatiLogic to deliver Information and digital media (i.e. images, PDFs, and videos) from Podio. Send your e-business card or custom sales letter from Podio to a prospect. Dynamically utilize your Podio data like never before. The Express version makes this amazing technology even more affordable.
CatiLogic Express provides a tool to easily and instantly deliver on-demand information (products from Inventory, services listings, project examples, testimonials, “How To” videos, etc.) to your target audience, based on their specific needs. CatiLogic Express can be used on any device and delivered via email, social media or web without the recipient needing access to your Podio workspace.
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