This advanced extension gives you a clear overview of all Podio & GlobiFlow dependencies, allows you to find Podio & GlobiFlow metadata & contents, and highlights errors in your structure, so you can fix them in no time. If you use the Google Chrome extension, you'll manage all this directly within Podio & GlobiFlow!
Some use cases:
- - Get insight into your complex Podio & GlobiFlow infrastructure from every angle
- - Visualize dependencies clearly through Diagram View
- - Find & fix errors in no time: any errors in your structure will be highlighted. Our tool will even tell you exactly which GlobiFlow bricks to check!
- - Avoid errors if you want to delete a field. Inspect it with QuivvyTools Architecture 360° and you’ll immediately see which GlobiFlows, calculations & relationships are still using the field you want to delete
- - View dependencies & possible errors directly from within Podio & GlobiFlow with our Chrome extension
- - Make use of our tool's powerful search functionality. Search for Field names, Podio metadata (e.g. id's of workspace, app, field of flow), anything inside GlobiFlow (e.g. content of create pdf or email bricks), etc.
- - Filter your search results by workspace, app, field or GlobiFlow
- - Browse or print analysis documentation about your Podio and GlobiFlow setup
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