JustCall and Podio Integration helps you in reaching out to your customers easily via calls and texts. You can initiate outbound calls right from Podio apps. You can even receive incoming calls while you are using your CRM platform. Your call recordings and notes are logged as communication app objects. Your text conversations are available as well. Here are few things you can do with this integration:
- Make calls from Podio apps directly. Just click on your contact's phone number and initiate a new call.
- Route incoming calls to your agents easily.
- Transfer or merge calls with your Agents.
- Your call recordings and notes are logged In Podio that you can easily refer in future.
- You can reply to incoming text messages straight from Podio apps via our click to text icons.
- Your calls and text messages are logged under a communication app on Podio and hence this helps you to run analytics right inside Podio.
- You can use our mobile, desktop and web apps to configure your phone number settings, access contacts and reply to incoming text messages.
You can setup call routing, to distribute your incoming calls among your team members. You can even setup a call menu allowing your incoming callers to reach a specific team directly.
Integration is easy to setup and you can get up and running easily. Our simple to use product cuts down the training time and helps your support team get started quickly.
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