Additional features with this app
{"locale":"en_GB","moment":{"longDateFormat":{"LT":"HH:mm","L":"DD/MM/YYYY","LL":"D MMMM YYYY","LLL":"D MMMM YYYY LT","LLLL":"dddd, D MMMM YYYY LT"},"week":{"dow":"1","doy":"4"}},"fullCalendar":{"timeFormat":"HH:mm","axisFormat":"HH:mm","columnFormat":{"month":"ddd","week":"ddd D/M","day":"dddd D/M"}},"datePicker":{"dateFormat":"dd/mm/yy","firstDay":"1"},"timeEntry":{"show24Hours":true},"validations":{"date_regexp":"^(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\\/(0[1-9]|1[012])\\/(1|2)\\d\\d\\d$","number_regexp":"^-?(?:[\\d,]*)(?:\\.\\d+)?$"},"number":{"format":{"separator":".","delimiter":",","precision":3},"currencySymbol":"£"},"placeholders":{"date":"DD/MM/YYYY"},"customDateTimeFormats":{"longDateWithoutYear":"D MMMM"}}
Loving this Pack but wondering if anyone at Podio will see this comment. Below is the description above that has a couple of typos in it. There are several so I thought I would point it out to someone because this makes the information look very unprofessional. Feel free to let me know if you're in need of a proof reader for your website content.
An to keep track of meeting and appointments
Weather online or in person, this app will allow to keep track of your meetings and appointments. Invite other so they can add it to their calendar and RSVP with this app directly in Podio. Keep all communications centralized.
Thanks Shawnee!
i have noticed that there are several instances where descriptions are in Danish
Shawnee - it's "whether".