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Choose your plan

Whether you want to use Podio for your next project or scale it to your whole department, there is a plan that will fit your business. All plans are priced per employee per month.

Pay Annually

Pay monthly
These prices are for annual billing cycles, click here to view prices our monthly billing cycle.


Free for five employees




Save time with automated workflows

$14 $11.20



Full suite of advanced features

$24 $19.20


Features include:

Task management

Apps and workspaces

All Free features plus:

Unlimited items

User management

Unlimited client users

Light user role

Automated Workflows

Read-only access

All Plus features plus:

Visual reports

Interactive sales dashboards

Cloud phone system and power dialer

Advanced Workflow Automation

Free Plus Premium
General Features
Unlimited Workspaces x x x
Unlimited Apps x x x
Granular App Permissions (NEW) x x x
API Integrations 1000 calls/hr 1000 calls/hr Upgradable
Unlimited Task Management x x
Unlimited Items x x
Unlimited 100MB File Additions x x
Visual Reports x
Admin & Security
User Management x x
Read-only Access x x x
Light User Role x x
Unlimited External Clients x x
SOC2 Compliance x x
Workflow Features
Automated Workflows x x x
Webforms x x x
Advanced Workflow Automations 5M runs/mo
Email Integrations x
PDF Generation x
Date & Time Workflow Triggers x
ShareFile & E-signature Integration x
Third-party Partner Extensions
Interactive Sales Dashboards x
Cloud Phone System & Power Dialer x
Need help?

We offer custom plans & pricing for larger teams

Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I have a private workspace?

    Yes! While Podio is a collaborative tool, sometimes work is confidential and should not be seen by everyone in an organization. A private workspace is invite only – users that are not a member of the workspace cannot access it or even see that it exists.

    What are automated workflows?

    You can use workflows to automate your processes in Podio. Workflows are triggered using a "when/then" format. For example, you can set up a workflow that functions like this: when you change the status of an item to "complete", then a task is automatically assigned to the person who needs to review the item. Find out more

    How many items can I create in an app?

    You get to create unlimited items in any of the paid plans. On the free plan, you have a limit of 100 items per organisation. This limit on item count is at an organisation level, so the total items created across all your apps and workspaces in the organisation should not exceed 100. You could either have a single app in the organisation with 100 items or have multiple apps that all combined do not exceed the 100 limit. Learn more about the Item Limit.

    Not sure what an item, app or workspace is? Find out more

    How is an annual plan different from a month-to-month plan?

    On a Premium annual plan, you have access to Podio's advanced integrations, like extension vouchers and sales dashboards from our partners. Using the annual plan you will pay for 1 year up front and receive a discount. Your plan will automatically renew at the next annual billing cycle.

    What is the difference between an employee and a client?

    Employees are identified based on their permission they pay. For all plans, you pay for each employee, but all the clients (contractors, freelancers, etc.) are free. Read more about the permissions here. Paid employee users have access to advanced collaboration in workspaces, and the ability to create and manage apps and workflows. Free client users can participate in workspaces, read, add comments, and upload files.

    What is user management?

    User management gives administrators control over members in your organization. This includes an overview of all members from the entire organization and provides a seamless way to convert a client to employee and vice versa. Find out more

    What is the light user role?

    Podio allows you to collaborate with external users like clients, partners, and freelancers. The light role limits what these users can do. Light users can't edit, add, or delete apps, nor can they invite people to your workspaces. Find out more

    What if I need custom integrations?

    We have partners available to assist with custom integrations, implementation and training for your team worldwide. Find a partner here.

    You can add more power to Podio using our partner built extensions and open API.

    Need more information?

    We are happy to help answer your questions.