Project Canvas
Finally the Project Coalition Canvas gives you the tool to describe your strategic & tactical result
Finally the Project Coalition Canvas gives you the tool to not only to appoint your tactical results, but also the strategic mission of the project. With your projectpartners you can use this canvas to make clear what they want out of the project. Talk about what is critical for its succes. And plan how to get there together. Think how to manage the uncertainties you are confronted with at the beginning of the project. Discuss with your partners how to act in different scenarios.
Created by
Caroline Vrauwdeunt
8 apps in App Market.
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- Business Function: Project Management
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Additional features with this app
Recommended filters to browse app data
Pre-created tiles give an overview of your app's data
Accompanying apps
- This app is referenced by: Stakeholders, Stakeholder Coalition
- This app is included in the pack(s): Project Coalition Suite by GoCreateWith.Us