All Current Tenants
Store all of your tenant information in this app.
Created by
Podio App Team
301 apps in App Market.
- Rating:
- Business Function: Real Estate & Property
- Industry Sector: Real Estate
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Additional features with this app
Recommended filters to browse app data
Populate your app via a form on a public website
Pre-created tiles give an overview of your app's data
Accompanying apps
- This app is referenced by: TAF, MI/MO, TMP
- This app is included in the pack(s): Property Management
This app sucks. No way to attach a tenant to a property and no place to add a name to your tenant!
Podio is completely customizable and you can update the app however you like. For example, you can add a relationship field that points to your property app, or add a single line text field to store the name of the tenant.