Record and share those whiteboards that are otherwise lost to the wiper using this app.
Add a photo and a few words to describe what you have been talking about so others can make sense of your whiteboard.
Created by
Podio App Team
301 apps in App Market.
Additional features with this app
Share with content
Has content
Have team members vote on items
Pre-created tiles give an overview of your app's data
This app states Mobile. How do i use my mobile with this app?
You install the iPhone (or Android) app and add it to your homescreen. Then you can use your phone's camera to snap and share your whiteboard.
Sure this works with android? I don't see an option to add it to my homescreen.
It's not on Android yet, but my colleague Tobias is working at warp speed to improve the Android app.
Excellent. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something :) Thanks for the reply!
It should be available now in the latest version of our Android app.
I saw it and I love it. :) Thanks
I was able to create a whiteboard on the podio website, and then the whiteboard appeared in the mobile app (Android). Very nice. Perhaps soon the mobile app will allow me to create the whiteboard within the app. Meanwhile it's pretty good.