Additional features with this app
{"locale":"en_GB","moment":{"longDateFormat":{"LT":"HH:mm","L":"DD/MM/YYYY","LL":"D MMMM YYYY","LLL":"D MMMM YYYY LT","LLLL":"dddd, D MMMM YYYY LT"},"week":{"dow":"1","doy":"4"}},"fullCalendar":{"timeFormat":"HH:mm","axisFormat":"HH:mm","columnFormat":{"month":"ddd","week":"ddd D/M","day":"dddd D/M"}},"datePicker":{"dateFormat":"dd/mm/yy","firstDay":"1"},"timeEntry":{"show24Hours":true},"validations":{"date_regexp":"^(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\\/(0[1-9]|1[012])\\/(1|2)\\d\\d\\d$","number_regexp":"^-?(?:[\\d,]*)(?:\\.\\d+)?$"},"number":{"format":{"separator":".","delimiter":",","precision":3},"currencySymbol":"£"},"placeholders":{"date":"DD/MM/YYYY"},"customDateTimeFormats":{"longDateWithoutYear":"D MMMM"}}
Hi guys, the app is amazing. There is just one tiny but very important feature missing. That is the opportunity to apply one candidate to more than one vacancy and make sure the candidate has a different status for each vacancy (e.g. "interviewed" in one, "rejected" in the other). Can I build such a adaption on my own? :)
Christopher has anyone updated your suggestions to the app
Hello @chris @Tiffany,
You can easily modify the app template to your needs. Just click on the small wrench icon in the top left corner and select "modify template". Now you can add or change any field and adjust the apps to your personal needs :)
/Dominik - Podio
Hi! Any way to post the vacancy externally on a website?
@andreas - this may help you