Manages contact information and 2-way texting using comments
Please install the full Twilio SMS Communications App Pack, not this individual app
The contacts app is where contact information (including phone numbers) is maintained and where manual two-way communications is managed. A text message can be sent to a contact by entering a comment within a Contact item, and prefacing that comment with SMS: (or Sms: or sms: ). Text messages received from Contacts will be entered as comments as well. Podio notifications will be sent to item followers when those responses come in.
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Podio App Team
301 apps in App Market.
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- Business Function: Sales & CRM
- Industry Sector: Real Estate
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- This app is referenced by: Messages
- This app is included in the pack(s): Twilio SMS Communications
Tried installing the pack, and it appears the workflows for Contacts are missing (there are none imported into Globi)
What happens if a contact has more than one phone number? How can I chose the one that will receive the sms?