Focus - Anti-ToDo
Helps to focus on important things, be and feel more productive after each day.
Note down your 3-5 major things to accomplish for the next day. Then log all your small achievements and things you did as your anti todos. In the end of the day marvel at all the things you achieved.
Created by
Adrian Y Roessler
1 app in App Market.
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- Business Function: Notes and Personal
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Additional features with this app
Recommended filters to browse app data
Have team members vote on items
Pre-created tiles give an overview of your app's data
Would be awesome if this could draw in all the assigned tasks for the day - then i could use it as a prioritiser based on last-minute information from morning stand ups etc.
@Sarah, you could relate to a tasks app with a relationship field:
Where can I change the color of the calendar. Thanks
What exactly is an ANTI-todo?
Erick, here is how you can color code the calendar events: