Google Calendar by Zapier

Additional features with this app
{"locale":"en_GB","moment":{"longDateFormat":{"LT":"HH:mm","L":"DD/MM/YYYY","LL":"D MMMM YYYY","LLL":"D MMMM YYYY LT","LLLL":"dddd, D MMMM YYYY LT"},"week":{"dow":"1","doy":"4"}},"fullCalendar":{"timeFormat":"HH:mm","axisFormat":"HH:mm","columnFormat":{"month":"ddd","week":"ddd D/M","day":"dddd D/M"}},"datePicker":{"dateFormat":"dd/mm/yy","firstDay":"1"},"timeEntry":{"show24Hours":true},"validations":{"date_regexp":"^(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\\/(0[1-9]|1[012])\\/(1|2)\\d\\d\\d$","number_regexp":"^-?(?:[\\d,]*)(?:\\.\\d+)?$"},"number":{"format":{"separator":".","delimiter":",","precision":3},"currencySymbol":"£"},"placeholders":{"date":"DD/MM/YYYY"},"customDateTimeFormats":{"longDateWithoutYear":"D MMMM"}}
doesnt work before Zapier fix Attendees issue...
Mike Knoop, do you have an update on this issue? Seem still to be a challenge..
Hey Thomas, did you know that you can already view events from Podio in Google with the current functionality:
It doesn't automatically create the event in Podio but it helps you with further overview of existing events :)
Sara, I am interested in using Podio to allow design buddies to schedule themselves for support calls. Is there a client interface that I can put spots up on a calendar that they can schedule themselves? I am not sure this is the right app or not...
Good question. Podio doesn't really have a specific interface for scheduling - unless you use a general app and have the team check the app calendar before booking an appointment?
Scheduling is the piece missing from Podio. It really needs to be added - seems integral.
Would be nice with a employee scheduling app
You guys need to find a better way to sync calendars. The fact that you can only sync 1 Google calendar is a little ridiculous. There should be an easier way to create calendars that you can link to your phone and desktop.
Can anyone tell me which field to use from Podio when trying to add a list of attendees as part of a calendar event? (using Zapier)
Agree scheduling, timetable, rosters needed