Timeline V.2
Use this for GTD Review
This app will help you to create GTD review periods in Podio
Define timelines to get stuff done.
Set up your review periods here. i.e. 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 1 year, 5 years.
Created by
Marni Melrose
6 apps in App Market.
- Rating:
- Business Function: Project Management
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Additional features with this app
Recommended filters to browse app data
Pre-created tiles give an overview of your app's data
Hi, is this app still being supported? Is there somewhere to access info and a how to for it? The link in it diverts to Marni's website but there's a message there to say that they've changed platforms? As in away from Podio?
Hey Cameron, the app should still be available! I was able to download it as I just tested using "get app". Do you get any errors?
You can also create your own apps if you already have your process specified. Here's how you create an app:
And the fields of the template: