Product Development Pack
The simple and powerful way to manage software products, perform all product management activities inside Podio.
Products: describe your products with product value, target audience and customer problems solved by your products
Ideas: easily share product's ideas and start collaboration with a team
Feedback: store, manage and prioritize all customer feedback
Personas: use visualizations for your target audience to understand their needs better
Competitors: keep in touch with a market to know your enemies
Assumptions: manage your products in a Lean Startup way to achieve great results
Projects: keep your work structured
User stories: describe and track what should be implemented in your products
Mockups: store, share and collaborate on all product mockups
Created by
Podio App Team
52 packs in App Market.
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- Business Function: Software Development
- Industry Sector: Software Development
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Apps in this pack
ProductsKeep track of your products you are working on. Start by creating your product description.More info
IdeasShare ideas with your team mates and have them rated.More info
FeedbackCustomer feedback is one of the most important inputs for product management. Store, prioritize, linMore info
PersonasHelp describe the characteristics of the people who are the target audience of your products.More info
CompetitorsKeep in touch with a market to know your enemiesMore info
AssumptionsCreate an assumption about product's users and design tests and metrics.More info
ProjectsAdd as much detail as you can to keep everyone posted on what this project is about.More info
User storiesRecord feature requests and requirements from clients and users in the form of User stories.More info
MockupsEarly designs & mockups are posted hereMore info
MilestonesMilestones help you structure your user stories based on the planned implementation date.More info
Interviews'Get out of the building' and talk to your potential customers.More info
Additional features with this pack
Pre-created tiles give an overview of your app's data
Recommended filters to browse app data
Have team members vote on items
Automated workflows