Apps in this pack
Connect Zendesk and Podio
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Customers requesting help via Zendesk
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Repository of your Zendesk agents
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Additional features with this pack
Pre-created tiles give an overview of your app's data
Recommended filters to browse app data
Has integration with a third-party app
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Does this still work? I'm getting an invalid username / password error when i try to connect?
Hi @Jonathan Rayment, Yes it works. I have the app installed and running right now. :)
Hi @Jonathan Rayment did you fix the error? the same is happening to me. Cant get this thing to work
The same error is happening! invalid user name / password....
please this integration is not working and podio support is not getting back to me.
I had the same issue AND finally made it work by following strictly the setup instructions (which are not straightforward to understand, to be honest). There's quite a lot to do on the Zendesk side and some of the menus are hard to find, but in the end, it's working.
Hi @Damien Schreurs, i´ve try to follow every step very carefully, but i still can get it right. can you help me out?
Same here. Invalid username/password...
Same issue.. Invalid username/password...
Same issue with me.. I am also getting invalid username and password.
Same here: Invalid username and password => can anyone help?
Invalid password and followed all steps...anyone else able to successfully get this working in more recent times??
Doesn't seem like it... :(
Hi community, Found the solution (for me at least). Looks like Zen Desk must have added an authentication step to Enable API use with user/pass from Podio.
In addition to the steps youll see in the documentation you must also do the following:
After logging into ZenDesk...
Setting>API>Settings>Password Access (Enable)
Hope this helps.
Can confirm that the above works! Thanks Daniel!!