Project Task Lists Automation
Apps in this pack
This app holds information about your projects
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This app maintains the list of Tasks for your Task Lists
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Additional features with this pack
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Hi Bill
Its not creating task list inside the project.
Let me know if I missed something.
@hardy - did you refresh the workspace in Globiflow so that the flows are installed?
Thanks Bill for the quick reply.
I didn't refresh it. But just did it now.
I can see the tasklist in Globiflow but its not working inside the project. Only option is to add it manually.
Do you see 7 flows installed on the Projects app?
Do you have data in your Task Lists app?
Have you tried "simulate vars" in the flows that generate tasks (e.g. 1-1-1 and 1-2-1) to troubleshoot any problems with them? For example, do the "Get Podio View" actions find the list of tasks from the Task Lists app?
Hi Bill
I tried manually using this post
And it worked.
Thanks for the help.
Cheers :)
Hey Bill
Something seems to be wrong with the dates processing when I create the task list. It is defaulting to a due date of (see below) then it seems to change to the correct date but not all the tasks are being processed, any ideas where I should look to correct the problem?
Offer Status
Offer Submitted
Under Contract Date
Contract Processing
DC Metro
Task Due Date
Task Due Date
John - that's not enough information for me to assist you. Please use the "Globiflow for Podio Users" workspace / User Forum app to request community assistance with Podio & Globiflow. You can create an item in the User Forum app and provide details, including screen shots of your Globiflow flows. I don't see that you are a member of this workspace, You can join the workspace via this link: