Additional features with this app
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Is it possible to see only my (one employee) timesheets from more workspaces/projects/deliverable in one place?
Viewing time sheets from different projects and deliverables can be done by setting up filters. Depending on your set up (i.e. if you have one Timesheets apps in a central workspace referencing Projects/Deliverables apps in other workspaces) you can perform the same operation across workspaces.
We usually recommend that you do your time tracking in a Project Portfolio Management workspace, where you reference projects in different workspaces.
I have 1 company that has 2 workspaces (each workspace has 1 project I'm working on).
I'm usign similar pack in both workspaces (with all those apps) but Timesheets app is liked to Deliverables app, and Deliverable app is linked to Projects app.
I can only filter Timesheets within one workspace.
Hi Jonas,
My challenge with timesheet are
- In each project we have tasks : How do we punch timesheets against those tasks ?
- In invoicing , how do I get the date from the timesheet punched for the clients against various projects and tasks - for a client I might be working on 3 projects and nested 4 tasks - my contractors and project manager punch time, but against those I need to create an app, how do we work on that
- How do we send to the clients weekly timesheets in a set format after being approved
- How do we setup a timesheet approval process ( something like on elance) where project managers can approve
Do you guys have a clock that I can play and pause and that automatically updates my timesheet?
i d like clock too.
a clock would be great!
or timer i think is what she meant lol
Does this connect to Quickbooks? Is anyone using this for billing?