
Additional features with this app
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Is there any way to search for contacts within these companies? I created a test company with a test contact and was unable to find a way to bring up the company based on the contact name. Am I missing something?
You would like to find a company based on a contact name. You could apply a filter for "Contacts at company", pick the name or names and you should see only the companies that are associated with these names.
Strangely, I am not able to get that to work. Part of the problem is there's a difference between the Workspace Contacts and Contacts and the search functionality doesn't seem to want to "see" workspace contacts.
Yes, there is difference between "Workspace MEMBERS" (these members have access to the workspace, typically your team members, not external contacts) and "Workspace CONTACTS" (these are people associated with a single item, in this case "Company" in the "Companies" app)
If you want to associate non-workspace members, people associated with the "Company" or Workspace Contacts. This is what the building block in this app intended to do. If you modify this app, the building block "Contact at company" shows "Workspace contacts" as a contact type.
If you want to associate Workspace Members with this "Company" item in this "Companies" app. Modify the app, add a new contact building block, Select "Workspace Members" (not "Workspace contacts") for contact type, rename the building block to something appropriate like "Members associated with this company", save the app.
Hope this helps. :)
I'm not using workspace members at all. I tried to use the Contact at company field and the value I want is able to be selected in the filter, but the returned rows is 0.
excuse the noob question but how does this tile work? I can not seem to get a preview like the one pictured..
How do you sort through the contact file to find a state or city?
Hello Dano,
You can filter based on app reference fields, contact fields, category fields, date fields, number fields, and tags. In order to apply a filter and sort for location you would have to add another field.
Dominik /Podio
Is there a way to adjust the contact fields? I can add a phone, email, but what about a second email, etc for the same contact?
Hello, The line Company cannot be a field that is memorized ? for example i created company WIZ, but when i created a new company, the existing company don't appears, so it means that we can create doublon. Any idea ?
Hello, I was not able to find any search tool in the ios apps to find a specific company amongst hundred of company entries. Am i missing something ?
How do I add the contact details for a lead?
Hi , on screenshot , different interface not like me. How it do that?
I want my "companies" / "company contacts" to be interwoven with my Projects app. How can I accomplish it to have a client linked to individual projects as there may be more than just one ?