
Additional features with this app
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I love simplicity, but working as a court interpreter, insurance agent, mobile home sales person, health & fitness advocate, life is chaotic without some organizational help. I anticipate that Podio could help me conduct an extreme make over of my business and personal life. Kudos to Podio. I only met you in less than an hour, but I am already in love with you and your team.
i just want to have a free sample of a cover letter and a proposal letter on how to write for a grant
There are two Apps called Projects. How do I figure out which one to use?
Hey Robert, you can install both and test them for your need. Then delete the one you don't like. All apps can be modified to suit your case and the best app will always be the one you modify. The apps in the app market is just meant as inspiration. Here's how you can modify the apps: /Sara
I count at least 8 apps called "projects", many of them created by podio themselves. And the all have different links / integration. It's kinda "finding the tree in the forest" and time consuming, especially if you are new to the site and simply would like to get work done more efficiently.
Additionally, there are those of us that help others setup and use Podio with Third Party Support. I've got several App Packs built but do not distribute via the public app market because they are more intricate and require some training and additional customization for your specific workflows. Some people aren't interested in building and just want to go already.
Why does the Projects app only show a maximum of 50 assigned tasks?
Might it be an idea (or maybe I haven't found that option yet) to assign checkable to-do's or mini tasks within a task in a project?
Hey Carmen, if you have this many tasks assigned to each project we recommend that you break it down in an app instead. For example from using the deliverables app or a task app:
The current "task" functionality is meant to work for mini-tasks and small to-dos :)
Your problem is not your problem.Your problem is you.Podio makes you not a problem in work.
What a cool quote Elva!
Sara, or someone, I need to solve a quesiton regarding the usage of projects, in any o the apps or projects available. I use 6 work areas, where one of them is our main administration center, and the other 5 are for the specific development areas of our services. Then I was thinking to use projects app in the main administrtion center, and asign projects with their contacts and other info to each work area, depending on the type of service. But I haven't been able to find a way to do that linkage or assignation. For example using the main tasks, I can asign tasks to projects settled in one of the work areas, but what I want is to have one single projects app in the main administration work area, then make the whole list of projects there, and then been able to see the specific projects on each individual work area, that had been asigned to them, so they can administrate their tasks, but always have a central view of all work done here... can someone help please?
Some of my workspaces seem to have multiple Projects, how do I delete one? thanks!
Here is how:
Thanks, Sara!
It won't let me enter any information under 'Deliverables budget'. Why is this?
Hi Henriette, this is most likely because it is a calculation field in the app - learn about the fields of the template here:
You can modify the app template and add a money field instead:
Thanks Sara, I added the money field instead.
May I have a question? Is it possible to create a critical path by podio.project?
trying to set up a critical path as well. thanks for any feedback on this...
Not out of the box, but you can accomplish something like this combining our automated workflows and calculations.
You can create an automated flow via our workflows option:
If you need triggers by date to set you would need Globiflow, available on Premium tier:
Workflows can help you define the path to project completion set a date for shortest possible completion.
I downloaded this app for my work space, I have multiple projects now in the same work space, I want to give access to only selected people to selected projects, since we work with lot of collaborators for our projects we don't want them to see other projects, how do I achieve this ?
Hi Mohammed, if the people you'd like to share your projects (items) with are not members of your workspace, then you can share each item (project) separately/privately with them.
Though, if they are members of that workspace, they will have access to all apps and items located in that space.
Great Thanks Nel. I got this done.
Advantage of this technique is you could show/hide individual items but it becomes a pain if you have 20-25 projects items (or even Deliverables/Tasks/Milestones associated with these project)
There is no easier way but to assign one person individually to these 100+ items in podio, it would be great to have a functionality where it assign outside members to related items with just one click.
Is it possible to have tasks within the projects? or subtasks? i mean...the tasks i have to complete, to complete the project.
Yes, you can use the "deliverables" app for this - or a task app - or the sub-tasks within Podio. More info on tasks here:
Is there a way to export the Deliverable report in XLS or CSV
Yes, here is how: Yes, here is how:
Thanks a lot. That was helpful.
trying again
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